“Mackerel and chips, twice please, with salt and vinegar.” Does that sound right? (On reflection, go easy on the salt – we don’t want to negate the benefit of the mackerel, as an oily fish rich in omega-3, credited with a role in healthy brain and nerve development and possibly in heart health.) So there… Continue reading
Browsing Category Conservation
How sustainable is your restaurant’s fish dish?
How much should you care about where the fish you are served in a restaurant comes from? And how much do you find out about this from the menu, the serving staff and the restaurants website? The answer to the first question is: a lot. And to the second: not much at all. When… Continue reading →
Biodiversity and how to save it — the world tries again
Targets to slow the extinction of plant and animal species have been agreed by 193 countries at the UN’s Biodiversity Conference in Japan last weekend (October 30). One of the central components in the Nagoya Agreement is a new protocol that rich and poor nations would share profits from pharmaceutical, crops or other products derived from… Continue reading →